What’s New 8/27/2022

Happy weekend everyone! I am back after a summer break and I have some fun updates.

First up, let’s talk food. I’ve been working on some fun fall recipes since it is finally almost September! Yes, I’m one of those people who absolutely loves fall and cannot wait for it to start, so I’ve been thinking about fall recipes since about mid-July.

This fall I’m going to try some more soups and desserts, and a few main dishes as well. I have some really fun recipes lined up and I can’t wait to try them. I’m also going to start doing some more cooking in my tagine. I love the way dishes come out using it, but I just haven’t used it much lately, so I’m going to be trying a lot more recipes in that as well.


Now for website updates. I’ve been going through and adding printable recipes to each recipe page to make it easier for all of you to print the recipes. I’m doing a few each day so soon there should be printable recipes on each page! You can find the link at the top of the page (see below).


I’m also going to be changing up the blog a bit. It turns out coming up with 2-3 new recipes each week is kind of hard with a full time job, so instead of having weekly recipes posted each Sunday, I’m going to just do weekly updates on what is new on the website (which will include any new recipes for that week). So we’re going to go from 2-3 recipes a week, to probably 3-4 recipes a month. There still will be fun cooking, but now when recipes I try are complete duds, which sadly some are, I don’t have to worry about scrambling to get something new pulled together to post each week.

Alright, that’s all the updates I have for now. I hope you are all having a fantastic summer, and come back soon for some fun fall recipes!


The Latest 11/13/2022


What’s New…